Hours of Operation:

     - Your LLC is opened Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 4:00

     - Note that we follow regular School Calendar for Hollidays and Pro-D





     - every student can borrow 3 books at any given time

     - They have 10 days to read the book

     - if the book is lost the cost of the book will have to be reimbursed

     - if the book is not given at the due date, a penalty will apply


Family, guardians, parents:

     - at this time, only the registered students can borrow books

     - NOTE:  if for some reasons related to education purposes, a member of the family, guardian or parents is in dire need of books or resources, the administration office and your TL will combine their efforts to offer options


Public Library:

     - remember that your public library has great resources has well. Some of them can very well be complementary to the one you are looking for

     - the website is:   www.publicCityofBooks.com   Have a loo.