Video-recording and Literacies: a dangerous mix?

Setting up the Expectations

There are many benefits and dangers of recordings videos in a school/library set up.  First, the themes and the terms had to be very clear because it is so easy for students to go wild and get lost in their craziness. So, the scripts had to be written and approved pre-production and the "due dates" clearly stated. With this, the students will be to produce their video in a timely manner.


Cameras and other tools

Similarly, the material to be used had to be in good order and given back in the  same way. Some simple SONY WEBCAM, a tripod and a location is basically what is needed to start.  The newest IPhones and Samsung phones can also do the job.

After the recording is done, the students will have to EDIT their work which is one of the biggest task at hand. One of the most friendly program is RUSH, from Adobe, although there are view other options.



Not all school have hosting platform available to them so it is a good idea to use Youtube to host your videos BUT, if you do so, FOIP and privacy issues will have to be deal with FIRST with your school/school district. Usually, the videos stay in the computer or are stored in a USB stick.


Good Subjects for Video

Really, all subjects are good when it comes to create a video. Science, social, digital literacy itself can use some fun productions. It is up to the Teacher with your (Teacher-librarian) help to decide ifto topic is relevant or not and to of the objectives of the curriculum to be assessed.


Videos at large


Video-recordings are widely used.  I think they are a great way to reach a wide audience and who knows, maybe go international ?!!  (see also International Projects in the  Committees and Projects section).



Puppet and dram productions:   record them and send to the family and link them to this website (under Teacher's Voice)

Readers' Theatre, Reading circles: record them and send them to the artist and the teacher. Could be used for assessment purpose

Digital Class:  record a discussion about fake news or Bad website plus link your recording what to those websites to show demonstarte to flaws


More ideas? More information?  Please contact me. Cheers