International Projects

Catégorie : Committees and Projects Publication : mercredi 13 mars 2019 Écrit par dominique allaire

Sending Books Overseas

We are currently weeding our library!!!    It had been a while since we clean it up so seriously! As a consequence, we will have a lot of books to give away.

There are some projects going on where we can send those books to different countries in order to help them build their own Library.


Here, I put some links for you to explore:

In Kelowna BC:  (example of what Libraries can do)



If you have more references and ideas, please send them to me. Thank you.

Preferably, our plan should be presented to the school officials before the school ends. To do so, we need to contact some organizations and finish our weeding!  

I would like to add that maybe, it would be possible to create a contact with the school(s) where the books will be sent. I believe our students would like this very much, not to mention that it would help keep the project alive and motivating!!

If you are interested, please contact me. DA






Affichages : 1988